Monday, March 22, 2010

Super Cute Giveaway!

This adorable blogger/etsy seller, The Gilded Bee, is doing an incredible giveaway!! She makes absolutely magical gift wrapping products - everything from stickers, to paper, to tags, to decorative flowers.

In this giveaway she is offering

1. 1 bunch of 6 plum+butter pansies
2. 1 bunch of 12 plastic/lucite raspberry daisies

3. One set of 6 asst. color/pewter Butterflies
4. 1 spool-10 yd's canary/white striped bakers twine
5. 1 spool-10 yd's basil/white striped bakers twine
6. 1 spool-10 yd's pearl blue twine

7. 3 sheets dotted stickers: 1 smoke blue, 1 lipstick red, and one moss green.
8. 1 dozen asst. neopolitan ice cream colored mini envelopes
9. 30 tags: 6 tags in each color: bubble gum pink, butter, mint, baby blue, and orchid.
10. 1 roll canary crepe trim
11. 1 set of 6 asst. daffodils

12. 1 dozen paper sacks: 6 of each, kraft and white.

To learn how to enter, please visit her blog here.  Good luck with the giveaway and have fun getting to know this great blog!


  1. cool, love the background on your blog as well!

  2. Love a good giveaway---must go check this out pronto! XO Katie


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