Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whats In Your Queue?

As I was doing my rounds in the blog world today I ran across this cute idea on Black*Eiffel to list what movies are on your "to see list".  I simply ADORE movies.  There is nothing better than curling up at night with a great rental and a big bowl of popcorn... 

So I am going to put the top 5 movies I am excited to bring home next.  I also would love to hear what you think.  Any thoughts/recommendations/suggestions?  Anything that you are just dying to see? 

My mother was a ballerina and so its ingrained in me to want to watch movies about the subject.  The Kirov produces particularly brilliant dancers so this should be a fascinating watch.  Might make a good mother/daughter movie night. 

I saw this movie 3 times in theaters and have rented it at least twice already.  All I can do to defend my behavior is talk about how amazing this movie is.  Seriously, one of the best movies I have seen in years.  She looks stunning and the costuming and set design is mouth watering.  Add in a fabulous script and you a recipe for a hit. 

I never saw this movie, but I have heard nothing but good things about it.  The storyline seems really genuine and the cast is pretty impressive.  This is one I could your opinion on... 
This documentary seems fascinating.  The green girl in me loves the concept: leaving your high consumption live on 5th Ave and attempting to live an entire year with no net environmental impact.  What an inspiring challenge!!

A classic.  This movie has so much to offer... Mia Farrow, Robert Redford, 1920s style, one of the best stories ever written... you get the point.  Like most avid readers, a lot of books that are made into movies disappoint me, but this is one of those rare and very rewarding exceptions.  It is simple divine. 

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